U-SCAN Verso

Fujitsu’s convertible POS lane

Idle lanes Verso active lanes

On average, 50% of POS lanes are closed most of the time. This means that half your front-end investment is not only sitting idle, it is actively working against your best customer experience efforts. Rising labor costs and emerging in-store service models make addressing this issue nonviable until now. U-SCAN Verso Belted allows retailers to turn an idle POS lane into a self-checkout lane in seconds. This means no customer will ever see a closed lane again; only the opportunity to choose how they want to be served. Checkout is the last thing a customer remembers about your store. Why spend all the time and money creating a stellar shopping environment, only to have it forgotten by a negative experience at the end?

Fujitsu U-SCAN Verso

Idle lanes Verso active lanes

On average, 50% of POS lanes are closed most of the time. This means that half your front-end investment is not only sitting idle, it is actively working against your best customer experience efforts. Rising labor costs and emerging in-store service models make addressing this issue nonviable until now. U-SCAN Verso Belted allows retailers to turn an idle POS lane into a self-checkout lane in seconds. This means no customer will ever see a closed lane again; only the opportunity to choose how they want to be served. Checkout is the last thing a customer remembers about your store. Why spend all the time and money creating a stellar shopping environment, only to have it forgotten by a negative experience at the end?

Explore U-SCAN Verso



  • Eliminate friction at self-checkout
  • Maximizes front-end investment
  • Seamlessly switch lanes from self-service to manned for faster customer service
  • Easy to use interface for both attendants and customers


  • Converts POS lanes to Self-Checkout lanes in seconds
  • Maximizes front-end investment
  • Integrated bag-scale security
  • Optional SmartCASH® automated payment module
  • S3 Integrations simplify deployment
  • Multiple configurations
  • Customized to match your corporate branding
  • Compatible with all S3 products
Verso v2 preview

Data Sheet

Fujitsu U-SCAN Verso

U-SCAN Verso improves checkout with no added friction. S3 Integration ensures there is no learning curve for cashiers by presenting your existing POS software. With our industry-leading U-SCAN self-checkout software, Fujitsu provides the most intuitive user experience in the market today. This makes the experience seamless for current U-SCAN users and
simple for new users.

Verso v2 preview

Data Sheet

Fujitsu U-SCAN Verso

U-SCAN Verso improves checkout with no added friction. S3 Integration ensures there is no learning curve for cashiers by presenting your existing POS software. With our industry-leading U-SCAN self-checkout software, Fujitsu provides the most intuitive user experience in the market today. This makes the experience seamless for current U-SCAN users and
simple for new users.

Talk to an industry expert

Explore Fujitsu U-SCAN Verso with one of our retail technology experts. Contact us to learn more.